JUSTICE REBORN (A Charlie Taylor Novel Book 1) Read online

Page 24

  As the Chief yelled the questions, Charlie tried to think of the best starting point for his explanation. None of the alternatives were likely to satisfy Chief Stirling.

  # # #

  In the room off the hallway another drama began. Jake perched on a hard back chair and standing in front of him the largest security guard, and possibly one of the ugliest, he had ever seen. This guard and the other two members of his squad filled the room. The big guy finally spoke.

  “Mr. Konahouse, our scanning equipment detected a recorder either on you or in your briefcase. You can either hand it over, or we will strip search you and find it. As you are a senior member of the Judge’s Board, you know what the advantages, at a time of sentencing, are for cooperating. Let’s make this easy for all of us.”

  Jake prepared to push it. “You’ve no rights to search me, and I will protest to the Judge.”

  The big guard leaned down and grabbed Jake by the neck. “Look stupid, who do you think authorized bringing in the equipment and my team? First clue: it wasn’t the Easter Bunny. I will ask once more, after that we will strip you and march you, naked, down to the Judge’s chambers and request an S1 Interrogation. Are we ready or do I turn the boys loose?’’

  The other two guards struggled with elbow length latex gloves, a difficult fit for large hands. One must have whispered a crude remark to other, and they both smirked.

  The threat of an S1 overwhelmed him. Jake crumbled. “The device is built in as part of the combination lock for the briefcase. Enter 2233 as the code and the rest of the controls will be displayed, and you can see it’s all touch screen controlled.”

  # # #

  In the hallway, Charlie explained. “Chief I never had a choice the Judge called me in and asked me to treat Dr. Max as a priority case but not to discuss it with anyone, including you. I couldn’t even use any staff. Stephen insisted all top secret. Christ, I don’t know why. Ask him.

  My guess is he was so concerned about the integrity of the Board sessions, the fewer people in the know, the better.”

  “ Alright. I get the picture and the Judge, and I are going to have a talk…..now, explain the rest of this shit.”

  # # #

  Inside the room, the guards had the recording device and a sorry looking Jake. They used the inside passage to get him into the Judge’s chambers. The big guard handed the device and briefcase over to Ann, who was in the room with the Judge.

  “Thank you gentleman, please dismantle your scanners and return to your regular duties. Ann and I will take it from here. Thanks very much.”

  Jake, alone with the Judge and Ann, stood in the middle of the room rather stunned by the speed of events in the last 20 minutes.

  “Jake how many meetings have you recorded and where are the copies? Before you answer, I remind you because of the severity of the offence, you will have to undergo an S1 Interrogation to confirm all your answers, and lies are not something you want to add to the agenda.”

  “My third recording. I have the other copies at my house.”

  “Can you explain your reasons for recording Confidential sessions? Why take such a risk?”

  Jake recovered a little, and some of his hostility returned. “First, I was guaranteed the recording would not be detected, and I deemed the risk as minimum. During Condition Confidential sessions, decisions are made which might prove embarrassing, if handled by a good Monday morning quarterback. You do have enemies.”

  “You were hoping something might come forward to demonstrate my incompetence, and you could use it to ensure your tenure or reduce mine.”

  Jake never bothered answering.

  # # #

  Outside the Chief tried to control his temper. Charlie knew the next explanation could put him over the top.

  “Ann ask me to find the individual who secretly recorded the Confidential Sessions. And because the first occurrence happened at a regular Board meeting, the list of suspects was short, just you, the Division Heads. I could not discuss it with anyone.”

  “Where did you get the high-tech equipment to detect the device? And where did you get the security staff?”

  “Actually, it isn’t really high tech equipment. All the stuff came from a recent stage play, all props, all fakes, and the guards are all amateur actors and friends of my brother Sam. The equipment didn’t detect anything; I told them to ring the buzzer when Jake went through, and we developed the dialogue to use once he was in the isolation room.”

  The Chief temporarily speechless, his face flushed, blood pressure peaked, and then he almost spit out the words. “You ran a fucking sting on one of the most well-connected guys in the Sector? You’re fucking crazy, just fucking crazy. How did you know it was him?”

  “There were only four possible suspects: First in Legal we have Doug: too risky for him and not his style. Second, there is Dr. Kate, who spends so much time in the lab, has no social life, is interested in pure science. No, she has no interest in attacking the Judge. Third, we have you the Chief; I wondered if you were devious enough to try this? But why would you bother? You are only a few years from a full pension. It would be a great risk for what? Not a good fit.

  This left Jake, a political appointee who deals in secrets, cross currents, loves intrigue, likes to have the upper hand, and loves to make a deal. A good fit. What’s he after? Anything that might show that the Judge is soft or making poor decisions; he knows the Judge will get rid of him if an opportunity presents itself. It had to be him, a real bastard, and I decided to run the bluff. I did speak to some techies and was told it was not likely we would be able to detect the device once he turned it off. There was only one choice; run a sting.”

  “Did the Judge know ahead of time you were planning a sting?”

  This was not the question Charlie wanted to hear.

  # # #

  Back in the Judge’s chambers it was silent except for the keyboard, as Ann created a legal document. The Judge kept Jake standing in the middle of the room.

  “Assuming everything you said is confirmed via an S1 Interrogation, I’m prepared to make you this offer as a sentence. I think it is generous when you consider how severe the penalty can be for your violation of the Secrecy Act; listen carefully and decide:

  First, I need your written resignation, with the reason, you have decided to devote more time to your volunteer work.

  Second, you are to make a donation of 20% of your net worth to a medical research foundation.

  Third, you make a commitment to complete four years of active community service work.

  Last, you provide a formal withdrawal of your charge against Charlie Taylor and hand over all the incriminating evidence.”

  Jake was abject but did not want this to go any further; he thought, with a little luck, he could be rolling again before the four years were over. “I agree. I assume Ann is completing the document for me to sign; and then, after signing I will be lead down to the interrogation room?”

  The papers got signed, and Ann walked out the door and down the hall, with Jake trailing, to the interrogation room.

  # # #

  Charlie didn’t have to answer the Chief, the Judge’s door opened, and Ann walked out with Jake. The Chief did not allow the door to close, and he burst into the room. Charlie heard part of a sentence before the door closed shut. “Steve, what the hell are you …”

  Once the door closed, all Charlie heard were muffled voices. He moved down the hall and collapsed on a hallway bench, tension drained from his body. He could feel the relief and realized how taut he had been. The release of tension was like someone pulled the plug in a sink and the water drained. He knew his comparison wasn’t original, but it really felt like a drain starting from the top of his head. Momentary relief.

  After about 25 minutes, the Chief came out of chambers, in a better frame of mind. What the Chief didn’t share with Charlie: the Judge had been well prepared.

  Stephen already knew about the random selection incident and the power
play the ambitious Doug was putting in motion; both men had underestimated the range of Stephen’s network of contacts. Stephen was waiting for the first unconfirmed news release, about the boy killer, before lowering the boom on Doug.

  The Judge apologized for the end runs with Charlie but then pushed back. First he reminded the Chief his Sector position was an appointment made the Judge; and, second, his use of a homicide detective didn’t compare to the conspiracy between the Chief and Doug.

  Stephen promised to use his annual discretion to solve the random selection mistake but advised the Chief it would be best for him to remain silent about Charlie’s unorthodox assignments and solutions. Duncan Stirling, a subdued police chief, thought Brewster would soon discover there were numerous reasons Stephen had been appointed. The Chief knew it was the last time he played politics with Doug Brewster.

  Before leaving Duncan had one last conversation with his detective.

  “Charlie, I’m not sure I can live with you in my command, but I understand what happened. You best go in; he wants to see you, probably for a pat on the back.” The Chief started down the hall and then stopped and looked back at him.

  “You know they’re right Charlie; you’re a crazy son of a bitch. Lucky …..but still a crazy bastard.” And with that he was gone, glad to be away from the chaos.

  Charlie went into the Judge’s office.

  “Congratulations, good job. You know where the coffee is; pour one and come over here by the window; the chairs and the view are both better. I hope I have the Chief off your back. He’s an excellent administrator, and the two of you are at different ends of the spectrum, but he is smart, and I think he understands he needs you. If you can wrap up the Five Star Couple, it would help.”

  “It’s close. It might break within the next 24 hours.”

  “Good, Now, a frank discussion: Sonja, Kate and I. This has to remain between us. By now it’s obvious Kate and I have a history. God, isn’t that a cold euphemism for a relationship that you know was an intense affair.

  My wife doesn’t know about Kate and certainly not about the child. Only two friends are aware of our affair but not about the child. Yes, I know there have been some rumors, but they are all very low key and mostly treated as low-level gossip. So this has to remain our secret. You agree?”

  “Judge, I understand, and there is no need to worry. Gossip is not one of my many shortcomings. Your affair and daughter stay with me.”

  “Thanks….I know I can trust you. Now since we are sharing, I do have something for you.”

  Charlie braced himself for some bad news but then saw the small smile on Stephen’s face and relaxed.

  The Judge only hesitated for a second. “I was the one who forced the Chief to have you promoted, get you out from under the basketball game fiasco, and then keep you after the Spring Dance. I knew the Chief needs your kind of thinking and attitude.

  Sometimes the Chief doesn’t understand that an organization, just like an athletic team, needs a variety of players and not all clones. Of course, the variety often leads to inner conflict and an element of chaos, all of which gives the Chief grief.

  I can see you’re surprised, it feels good to get one past you.”

  The Judge never mentioned Jake’s ultimatum and the subsequent forced withdrawal; months later Ann would tell Charlie about his good fortune. They shook hands again, and Charlie left the chambers.

  The Judge was on his side. He almost danced down the hall.

  CHAPTER 42: At the Hotel

  At the hotel, with the surveillance systems established and a few moment to relax, Wes thought about Charlie.

  He couldn’t shake elevator incident. It had been an unbelievable scene, and given Jake’s connections, Wes couldn’t understand how Charlie retained his position. Earlier this morning he confronted Charlie, who was in a good mood, relaxed, joking with staff, almost dancing in the halls.

  “Charlie, this thing with you and Jake. What the hell is behind it? You’ve never worked together and don’t move in the same social circles. So what goes? Did you do his wife or what?”

  Charlie thought for some time; he trusted Wes, still this feud with Jake embarrassed him.

  “Oh shit, it goes away back….. to high school.”

  “Jesus, don’t leave it there. Come on what happened?” Wes was not going to leave it alone. Charlie came to one his screw-it decisions and started talking.

  “You know this bullshit is for your ears only. Jake was a couple of years ahead of me in high school. I make the basketball team ….he doesn’t. He’s in love with Brenda, and she hooks up with me. One massive back alley fight, and we’re adversaries for life. How damn stupid is that?”

  “This is all about a teenage girl. Unbelievable…un…fucking believable.”

  “Look. I’ve tried talking to him, but he keeps trying to put me down, and I’m stupid enough to react. The Judge told me the situation is now under control.”

  Charlie sipped his coffee, grinned and started again. “Can I tell you the final chapter? You’re nodding, so that means yes. If you go to Walmart grocery section … probably midweek, you will encounter a medium size blond.”

  “I thought you weren’t dating. Don’t tell me you started with her?”

  “Here is all I have to say: I was leaning into the frozen food bin digging for a package when I felt someone at my side. I didn’t look up. Next I hear ….‘well do you still have raging hormones?’

  Comments like that get my attention. I looked up, and there she was in her uniform and I see the name tag. All I could think of was …… ‘Goddamn it Brenda that’s a helluva way to say hello’…….. She was a little heavier but still a good looking blond.”

  “Come on Charlie you never answered my question…..yes or no?’

  Charlie grinned and walked away. Wes didn’t know how much to believe. Charlie was good at making up stories; but, Wes knew somewhere in there was a kernel of truth, a teenage feud that never stopped.

  Charlie’s revelation had diverted him, and he failed to do was pass on the latest grapevine rumor. Everyone knew Charlie agreed to be a Watcher; but the Forensic Division was chuckling as it spread the gossip: Emma Collins had decided it was payback time for the spring dance embarrassment. Since she controlled the S3 brain scan, she would, in essence, be Charlie’s supervisor. If he tried to deviate from any standards or attempted any inappropriate moves, she would blast him right out of the room and have him walked out of the prison or into prison.

  The homicide detective would have to be on guard from the moment he entered Fort Green prison. Wes decided to call Charlie once he finished his last check of the hotel surveillance. The two elite hotels within a few blocks of the Marriott were fully wired with security cameras and direct feeds to various members of his team. Wes established a 24-hour watch rotation, but everyone wanted to be there for the final stages of the Five Star Couple and were reluctant to go home after their shift.

  Their current problem: the Interrogation could not be used until there was enough evidence to warrant the invasion of privacy with an S1. The Horny Harry video was good enough for that one killing, but they wanted to convict the guy for all the hotel killings. This meant they had to collect evidence to show he followed the killer’s pattern before they could move to an S1 Interrogation.

  Once Jason, the ex-policeman, made the call to an agency for a girl, they would use policewoman and employ a support team to crash the room when the time was right. This would be enough for the Legal Division. It did not matter which room he was allocated. They could intercept all calls, and a listening device would be worn by the policewoman. For five killings his routine never varied, within a few hours after registration, he made his call requesting a girl.

  Terry, at the first hotel, tried to get Manuel to go home–––instead he crashed on a nearby couch. Karen was on the visual for the second hotel, Wes the overall supervisor. Karen was not in total agreement with the plan. “Wes, I don’t think we have to send a
woman into that room; once he makes the call we should have enough to warrant an interrogation…….Legal will accept the evidence. Let’s not risk more injuries.”

  Wes would not relented–––the girl was going into the room, as more prove of the killer’s intentions. When they crashed the room, Wes wanted a preponderance of evidence, the killer and his full bag of tricks.

  They thought it would only be a matter of hours. The plan was to get the entire team to whatever hotel he registered. Their electronic technicians had prepared for all contingencies, and a policewoman disguised as a hooker was ready to go to his room; Concern mounted with each hour.

  Where the hell was he? A different hotel? Terry paced the floor; Wes continued with irritating finger drum rolls on the desktop; Manuel stopped tossing and turning and gave up on the sleep idea. Only Karen appeared content, and soon she made the announcement.

  “I think our guest has arrived. Look at the feed from the Westin, big floppy hat and the clincher look at those ugly hands in the white cotton gloves. His registration is for the second floor across from the elevators……he’s in 202. This is our guy. Go ahead and get the team to move to the Westin, and Wes you best call Charlie?”

  Everyone moved to a monitor, trying to get a better view of the guy, impossible with the hat. It took some time to get the entire team over to the Westin, organized, and Charlie informed. Wes worried about the delay but as long as the call for the hooker was intercepted, they were in control and could manage the situation.

  # # #

  Shortly after checking into room 202, Jason had his woman and the situation in control. Jason Reardon, ex-cop, ex-Five Star Couple could not help smiling. He knew, in the past, this self-satisfied and superior smile irritated many of his colleagues. Nevertheless, here he was in a great hotel room with an attractive woman, a working girl, but that was immaterial, she was a knockout and certainly a step up from Horny Harry.